Zum Programm

Mi, 17.04.2024

12:00 - 13:30

Digitales Event

Sie können online via Zoom Meeting teilnehmen

Dieses Event ist kostenfrei

Financing Models for Community Energy Projects

Community Energy Financing Schemes - existing models

Veranstaltet von:
  • Bündnis Bürgerenergie e.V.

    The demand for innovative financing models tailored to the needs of energy communities is growing but the market is not providing adequate solutions. The market gap between available funding and the specific needs of community energy initiatives is widening. 
    However, all across Europe we see the emergence of new alternatives: Community Energy Financing Schemes (CEFS). Join us in this workshop as we showcase existing successful models and guide you on establishing your own CEFS.


    Urszula Papajak


    Bündnis Bürgerenergie

    Realisatiefonds, The Netherlands

    Jean-Pierre van Lin


    Energie Samen

    Energie Partagée Investissement, France

    Erwan Boumard


    Energie Partagee

    Energietage-Event D.425

    Inhaltliche Fragen an:

    Urszula Papajak, Bündnis Bürgerenergie, Urszula.Papajak@buendnis-buergerenergie.de, +49 (0) 176 46144222

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